Honor Societies


Alpha Alpha Alpha 表彰第一代大学生的学术成就. To qualify for Tri Alpha, 入选者必须至少获得学士学位, 必须是家里第一个获得学士学位的人, 并且在入职时必须在高等教育机构任职. 

Alpha Eta 国家学术荣誉协会是卫生专业的吗. 荣誉学会的目的是促进和认可重要的学术成就, leadership and contributions to the Health Professions.

Alpha Kappa Delta is an International Sociology Honor Society, founded in 1920, to promote scholarship and fellowship for students. 邀请加入是基于班级地位和学生的成绩平均绩点3.0分或以上,无论是社会学专业还是整体.

Alpha Lambda Delta is the honor society for first-year academic success. If a first-year student has a cumulative GPA of 3.5或更高,然后他们将被邀请参加Alpha Lambda Delta的GMercyU分会. GMercyU分会旨在表彰第一年的学术成就,同时坚持服务的价值观.

Alpha Phi Sigma 国际荣誉协会是为刑事司法领域的研究生和本科生设立的吗. 该协会成立于1942年,旨在表彰学术卓越和社区服务的学生. Students with at least a 3.GPA总分2分,专业范围内可被邀请加入格温内斯默西大学Kappa Delta分会.

Alpha Sigma Lambda 国家荣誉协会是为归国成人学生准备的吗. Its purpose is to recognize and reward the hard work, motivation, academic success, personal growth, and leadership qualities of its inductees. It is housed in the Office of Academic Affairs.

Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in education. It is the oldest and largest honor society in education. Invitations to join are based on academic achievement, 对教育事业的承诺和专业态度,保证会员在教育领域的稳步发展.

Kappa Gamma Pi is the National Honor Society of Catholic Colleges. 这个组织的目的是识别潜在的天主教领袖,他们将保持基督教卓越和学术的高个人标准.

Lambda Beta 是全国呼吸护理专业荣誉协会吗. 这一荣誉是由该项目的教师授予那些表现优异的学术成就和卓越的专业成长和领导能力的学生.

Lambda Iota Tau 是一个文学学生的国际荣誉协会吗. 其目的是奖励和鼓励优秀的文学奖学金在高校. To be eligible, 学生必须主修或辅修提供文学的部门和所有课程的先决条件, 在学业上排名在班级前35%.

Lambda Nu 是一个国家放射与成像科学荣誉学会. 其目标是培养最高学术水平的学术奖学金, 促进放射和影像科学的研究和调查,并表彰模范学术. Students who have a GPA of 3.5 overall or higher and at least a 3.他们专业的10名学生被学院提名为入会会员.

Phi Alpha Theta is the International History Honor Society. GMercyU的分会Tau Omicron成立于1972年10月29日. 表彰和鼓励在历史研究方面表现优异的学者, 该协会对所有历史课程成绩都在B或以上、成绩不低于3的学生给予表彰.0 (B) grade point average.

Phi Theta Epsilon 是否有专门的职业治疗学生和校友荣誉社团. 其使命是促进职业治疗专业学生的研究和学术研究. PTE认可并鼓励在美国各地注册认可教育项目的学生获得优秀奖学金.

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging, stimulating, 保持卓越的学术成就,推进心理学的发展. Psychology majors or minors with a minimum 3.0 grade point average may be invited to join.

Sigma Phi Sigma is the National Mercy Honor Society. 这个协会致力于凯瑟琳·麦考利的理想:忠诚、学识和服务. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors with a minimum 3.2 grade point average, 坚持大学使命和价值观的证据, 对大学和社区有明确的服务承诺.

Iota Kappa Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau is an International Honor Society of Nursing, Inc. 这个国际荣誉协会的目的是表彰和培养护士的卓越成就, the development of leadership qualities, high professional standards, creative work, and commitment to the ideals of the nursing profession.

Sigma Zeta is a National Science and Mathematics Honor Society. 贝塔德尔塔是格温内斯默西大学当地分会. The purpose of this society is two-fold: 1) to encourage and foster the attainment of knowledge of the sciences and mathematics; 2) to recognize the attainment of high scholarship among those qualified for membership in this society.

Sigma Beta Delta 是国际商业、管理和行政荣誉学会吗. Sigma Beta Delta的目的是鼓励和认可商科学生的学术成就, management and administration, 鼓励和促进个人和职业的进步,以及以对人类的光荣服务而著称的生活.